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Box of 4

Brioche Roll subscriptions will have a box of deliciousness delivered to your door once a month for 3 months and will make a great gift for anyone.

Made with a soft vegan brioche dough and filled with vegan butter, sugar and a few other lovely tasting things, these are the ultimate sweet treat. In these subscription boxes you will find a random selection of our ever expanding and fabulous Vegan Brioche roll flavours.

Perfect for breakfast in bed, or lunch, or after dinner, or for dinner…They are the ultimate sweet treat whenever you fancy.

Packed full of flavour, light and bouncy in texture, who needs eggs and milk?! Definitely something to smile about at the end of a hard working month!

Available for nationwide postal delivery, local delivery or free local collection! Delivered once of month for 3 months. If ordered after the 15th of the month, the subscription will begin the following month.

Vegan Brioche Roll Subcription

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